How to Join

Membership Form 2024

We welcome all new members and would love to hear from you whether you are interested in playing for one of our teams, want to join in our many social tennis sessions or just want the opportunity to occasionally play against other club members.

Senior Membership: £60

Junior Membership: £10 Juniors must be under 18 years old or in full-time education.

Family Membership: £130 (parents/carers and their children under18 years or in full-time education)

We also have a non-playing membership for those who do not wish to play but want to keep in touch with the club. There is no payment for this form of membership but please complete the application form so we have your details.

You can download a membership form here Membership Form 2024

We prefer payment by BACS but if you need to pay by cheque this should be made payable to Austwick Tennis Club. A combination lock to the courts is provided and all members will be advised of the combination number which is changed on 30 April each year.